FIJA Speakers
The Fully Informed Jury Association is happy to help you find a knowledgeable, experienced, and proficient public speaker to present to your group on jury nullification or other jury-related issues. These listings are a free resources available to event organizers, educators, student groups, legal professionals, the media, and others. If you find this resource valuable, please support its continued availability with a donation to FIJA.
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Book a Speaker
To arrange a speaking engagement, visit the relevant speaker's page to find contact information. Please also copy the FIJA national office ( on the email so that we can keep track of these engagements, answer any questions that may come up, and otherwise help facilitate your event.
When booking a speaker outside of your local area, you will usually need to cover travel and accommodations for the invited speaker. Unless other arrangements are specifically agreed to by FIJA ahead of time, payments for any covered expenses, honorariums, etc. are made directly to the speaker. Details of these arrangements should be discussed directly with the speaker.
Information you should have at the ready when you are looking for a speaker includes:
- name and description of the event and the speaker's role (only speaker, keynote speaker, one presenter of several, panelist, etc.)
- the sponsoring organization(s) and the individual who will be the point of contact making arrangements with the speaker,
- date and time of the event (or let us know that the date and time are flexible),
- physical location of the presentation (or let us know it will be an online presentation),
- approximate number of people expected to attend,
- time allotted for the presentation plus any additional amount of time allotted for Q&A, if applicable, and
- any other helpful information.
Virtual Speaking Engagements
Do pandemic-related restrictions, limited funds, or other issues prevent you from bringing one of our speakers to give an in-person presentation? Many of our speakers are available for remote engagements. You may host a speaking engagement via your own remote technology, or if you are not set up for that, FIJA is happy to host the presentation via its own Zoom account and assist you in making the presentation as accessible as possible to your group.
If FIJA hosts the online presentation, we are usually able to provide a technical facilitator in addition to the speaker. This allows the speaker to focus on the presentation, while the technical facilitator explains the technology to participants and fields technical issues that come up in the course of the presentation. To ensure that we are able to provide this additional service, please be sure to copy the FIJA national office ( on all email when making arrangements for these presentations.
Find a FIJA Speaker

Kirsten C. Tynan
Executive Director, Fully Informed Jury Association
- Jury Duty Is for Heroes
- Jury Nullification 101
- Dirty Secrets of the American Jury System
- Jury Nullification and the First Amendment
- Prohibition on the Rocks: How Jurors 86ed the 18th Amendment
- or ask Kirsten to customize a presentation to cover topics of specific interest to your group
Robert Anthony Peters
Vice Chairman, Fully Informed Jury Association

- The Art of Jury Nullification
- Jury Nullification 101
- Prohibition on the Rocks: How Jurors 86ed the 18th Amendment
- or ask Robert to customize a presentation to cover topics of specific interest to your group
Nathan Goodman
Member of the Board of Directors, Fully Informed Jury Association
Postdoctoral Fellow in Economics, New York University

- Defending Your Rights: Juries As Defense
- How Overcriminalization Undermines Jury Rights
- Jury Nullification and the Peace Movement
- Jury Nullification as Citizen Coproduction
- or ask Nathan to customize a presentation to cover topics of specific interest to your group
Catherine Bernard
FIJA Georgia State Contact and Public Defender

- A Jury Nullification Primer
- or ask Catherine to customize a presentation to cover topics of specific interest to your group