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New T-Shirts, Hoodies, and Tote Bags!


New t-shirts, hoodies, and tote bags available for pre-order for a limited time only!

Click here to check out the new merchandise!


Strike a figurative blow for liberty and justice for all decked out with FIJA's new comic book-style graphic t-shirts, hoodies, or tote bags. The new designs feature a superhero look to convey our theme that Jury Duty Is for Heroes!

Get your t-shirt in a straight or contoured cut in a wide range of sizes from XS to 5XL, with your choice of white print on a dark green shirt or green print on a white shirt and a superhero figure with or without a ponytail. Hoodies are dark green with white print, you choice of superhero with or without a ponytail. The tote bag features the ponytailed superhero design in green print on a canvas bag with green handles and bottom.

Deadline for pre-ordering online is March 9. (If ordering by U.S. mail see the instructions for special pricing and early deadline.) DON'T DELAY! This is the only opportunity to select from the full range of items, styles, and sizes. After the pre-order period we will have only a very limited selection in inventory.