Help Kirsten celebrate her 51st birthday!

We have raised $910.00 of our $1,500.00  goal.

Kirsten from FIJA here!

I am honored that you chose to celebrate my 51st birthday by supporting FIJA's mission to restore jurors' full authority to deliver just verdicts in our legal system—including engaging in jury nullification when justice requires. It means a lot to me. FIJA is the only organization I know of specifically focused on empowering jurors to exercise their full authority, including their right of conscientious acquittal. 

At FIJA, we pride ourselves on having a much bigger impact than most people expect of an organization of our size. In reality we have one full-time staff person (me!) in the office and function on a very small annual budget.

While it might not be a big deal for multi-million dollar organizations, your contribution toward my 51st birthday goal of raising $1500 is a REALLY BIG DEAL to FIJA and to me personally. 

Your donation will go A LONG WAY toward:

  • printing FIJA’s brand new, full-color brochure on jury nullification and the First Amendment (You’ll be among the first to receive one, and it’s almost ready to go! Most likely you will see this in your mail in January.),
  • editing and publishing an e-book highlighting the works of Lysander Spooner on or related to jury rights issues, 
  • developing a multi-part email series on jury nullification that will be sent to all new subscribers to the FIJA newsletter as an introductory class on jury nullification when they sign up, 
  • expanding and ensuring it is the world's premiere online source for accurate and credible information on jury nullification and related topics,
  • hosting educational webinars and editing them into evergreen resources that will continue to educate people well beyond the event date,
  • alerting the public to upcoming legislative and policy proposals and arming them with the information and tools they need to make sure their voices as jury rights advocates are heard and considered when government messes with our jury system,
  • sharing current jury-related news to educate people about jury rights via social media, podcasts, and other channels, 
  • and much more!

On a personal note, it has been a rough year for me as I was diagnosed with a medical condition that makes the future of my participation with FIJA somewhat more uncertain than I like. Knowing that so many people believe  in FIJA's mission enough to invest in it is a great comfort to me. I truly hope I have the privilege of seeing FIJA through another year and more beyond 2024. But if I don't, I would like to leave FIJA in the best possible shape for whoever next leads FIJA into the future. 

With my sincere thanks and best wishes for liberty, justice, and peace in the new year,

Kirsten C. Tynan
Executive Director
Fully Informed Jury Association

P.S. I will make sure as many of you receive our 2024 Jury Rights Calendar as possible, but FOR SURE if you donate $50 or more you will be on the list!

Yes, I want to celebrate Kirsten's birthday by creating more fully informed jurors!

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If you wish, add a note here to send your birthday greetings to Kirsten!



THANK YOU to the following donors!

I will only add your name to this list if you donated to this birthday fundraiser AND specifically gave us permission thank you publicly.

Andra Mount
Erin Iverson
Sarah Skwire
Heather Wiegand
and 4 donors who prefer to remain private