Request Outreach Materials

Request Free Brochures and Other Outreach Materials

Thanks to the generosity of FIJA donors, we provide a limited quantity of free brochures and other materials to support volunteer juror rights education efforts.

FIJA has very limited funds, but we aim to provide free or subsidized educational materials to the public whenever we can! 

Our first priorities are to support:

  • ongoing courthouse and other community education campaigns,
  • informational tables at conferences and other events,
  • and Jury Rights Day events.

However, if you would like materials for another use, please feel free to make a request. We do our best to accommodate as many requests as possible.

To ensure we have time to review your request, clarify details with you, and ship your materials cost-effectively, please submit your request AT LEAST THREE WEEKS before you need the materials. We will review all requests as we are able, even if they are on short notice, but keep in mind that we have only one full-time staff person who is not always in the office due to speaking engagements, volunteer training events, and other travel. Last minute requests are at high risk of not being fulfilled.

We must have a valid email or phone number to process your request. If we are unable to contact you, the request will not be filled.

Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
NOTE: We ship to United States addresses only.
Materials are being requested for:

Materials Requested


Enter the quantity of each brochure you are requesting in the respective field below.

If you have an established, ongoing courthouse or community campaign going for which you have been in touch with FIJA already, you can request up to 1200 brochures at a time. That's about what we can stuff into a large, flat-rate, priority mailing box.
• If this is a first-time request for materials to kick off a long-term campaign, a request for materials for an event, etc., we will generally contact you for more information about the quantity you are requesting and how you will use it to make sure it is appropriate to your needs. We don't want to be stingy, but we do have very limited funds that we have to stretch as far as possible.

Table Kit

If you are hosting an informational table at a conference, gun show, hempfest, peace fair, farmers market, or other event, you can also request a table kit with a refundable deposit. We will send you a dark green tablecloth suitable for an 8-foot rectangular table, a FIJA logo table runner to go over the tablecloth, plastic brochure stands to show of the brochures you requested above in an upright position, sample materials for passersby to browse at the table, and possibly other goodies to give away.

We cover the cost of shipping to you. You cover the cost of shipping the table kit back to us. To ensure we receive the reusable items back in a reasonable timeframe and in substantially similar condition, we charge a refundable deposit on request of the table kit. This will be fully refunded to you either (a)if we do not have a table kit available to lend at the time you need it, or (b) if you return the table kit in the condition in which you received it within two weeks of the end of your event.