Thanks to the generosity of FIJA donors, we provide a limited quantity of free brochures and other materials to support volunteer juror rights education efforts.
FIJA has very limited funds, but we aim to provide free or subsidized educational materials to the public whenever we can!
Our first priorities are to support:
However, if you would like materials for another use, please feel free to make a request. We do our best to accommodate as many requests as possible.
To ensure we have time to review your request, clarify details with you, and ship your materials cost-effectively, please submit your request AT LEAST THREE WEEKS before you need the materials. We will review all requests as we are able, even if they are on short notice, but keep in mind that we have only one full-time staff person who is not always in the office due to speaking engagements, volunteer training events, and other travel. Last minute requests are at high risk of not being fulfilled.